
I’ve often heard those who’ve never visited our Southwestern desert, say they’re not sure that they would enjoy living in an area devoid of color, except for “beige”.  As you browse through this gallery, I hope you will experience how our desert is alive with colors and calming scenery.  Temperatures can vary from single digits during the winter to triple digits in the summer.  As I’m writing this, its June and currently 100 degrees in El Paso, with our low tonight dropping down to the low 70s.  It’s very common for our daily highs and lows to be 25-30 degrees apart.

Most of our plants, cacti and trees are indigenous to dry climates and thrive with little or no attention from humans.  On any given day, our mountains take on a variety of colors from green, blue, orange and purple.  You’ll find beautiful golf courses with plush fairways.  However, you should try to schedule an early tee time during the hot summer months.  While most people enjoy cutting some fresh flowers for a bouquet in their homes, here in the desert we’ve learned to enjoy the beauty of cactus flowers from a distance.

We’ve truly enjoyed traveling around the U.S. and the world, but we’re always happy to return home to our desert oasis.

Landmarks and Vistas El Paso